Hallo. I’m Nico, Digital Designer & Creative Director from Berlin.

Hallo. I’m Nico, Digital Designer & Creative Director from Berlin.

I translate complex knowledge and sophisticated products into straightforward stories and clear, consistent design. My focus is on Branding and Motion but also love working in Interaction and Photography.

I'm currently full-time employed at Europace AG.

Translating complex knowledge and sophisticated products into straightforward stories and clear, consistent design is my passion.

I focus on Motion and Branding but also love working in Interaction and Photography.

I'm currently full-time employed at Europace AG.

Selected Clients

Charité Berlin
Cresco Urban Yurt
DTU Kopenhagen
European Space Agency
Four Music
Gemeinsam für Afrika
Gunther Demnig

Buzzfeed, Charité Berlin, Cresco Urban Yurt, DTU Kopenhagen, European Space Agency, Ford, Four Music, Fritz, Gemeinsam für Afrika, Gunther Demnig, Haufe, Jüdisches Museum Berlin, Land Brandenburg, Lexware, Netflix, Norddeutscher Rundfunk, Siemens, Sony Music, SPD, Universal Music, Volkswagen, Wirecard

Jüdisches Museum Berlin
Land Brandenburg
Norddeutscher Rundfunk
Sony Music
Universal Music


Agencies &

Agencies & Production Companies

Agora9, London
Bear Film, Berlin
Brandung, Berlin
Darewin, Paris
Diffferent, Berlin
Goldener Westen, Berlin
Meire & Meire, Köln

Agora9 (London); Bear Film (Berlin); Brandung (Berlin); Darewin (Paris); Diffferent (Berlin); Goldener Westen (Berlin); Meire & Meire (Köln); von Monkiewitsch (Köln); Newthinking (Berlin); SNK (Zürich); StudioB12 (Braunschweig); Trust (Manchester); White Void (Berlin);

von Monkiewitsch, Köln
Newthinking, Berlin
SNK, Zürich
StudioB12, Braunschweig
Trust, Manchester
White Void, Berlin



2024 – Red Dot Award
2023 – German Design Award
2022 – German Brand Award
2016 – Best Animation – The Annual Copenhagen Film Festival
2016 – Best Non-Interactive New Media – European Science TV and New Media Festival
2016 – Best Animation – Shortfest​, The International Shortfilmfestival
2015 – Developer Site of the Year Nominee – Awwwards
2015 – 3rd Best Content-Related Website – Eyes&Ears Europe
2015 – Site of the Day – Awwwards
2015 – Special Kudos – CSS Design Awards 
2015 – Honorable Mention – Awwwards
2015 – Developer Site of the Day – Awwwards
2015 – Site of the Day – The FWA
2006 – Short Cup Award – Emergeandsee Berlin
2006 – Best Professional Mobile Film – O2 Mobile Movie Award
2007 – Videonale Attendee – Kunstmuseum Bonn
2005 – Clipaward, Best Music Video – Backup Festival Weimar

2023 – German Design Award for Europace AG
2022 – German Brand Award for Europace AG
2016 – Best Animation, Copenhagen Film Fest
2016 – Best Non-Interactive New Media, European Science TV and New Media Festival
2016 – Best Animation, Shortfest
2015 – Developer Site of the Year Nominee, Awwwards
2015 – 3rd Best Website, Eyes&Ears Europe
2015 – Site of the Day, Awwwards
2015 – Special Kudos, CSS Design Awards 
2015 – Honorable Mention, Awwwards
2015 – Developer Site of the Day, Awwwards
2015 – Site of the Day, The FWA
2006 – Short Cup Award, Emergeandsee
2006 – Best Professional Mobile Film, O2 Mobile Movie Award
2007 – Videonale Attendee, Kunstmuseum Bonn
2005 – Clipaward, Best Music Video, Backup Festival Weimar

Postfach 4 08 11
10064 Berlin, Germany

+49 30 4069 7046

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